Dr. Wendy chinchilla
founder & owner
Her training is based on his Degree as a Foreign Medical Surgeon, with a Master's Degree in Clinical Nutrition from Atlantic University in the United States. She is an expert in Obesity endorsed by the Pan American Health Organization and SCOPE - COBELAT, FLASSO. Postgraduate in Natural Medicine at the Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology in Havana, Cuba. International COACH with NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) in the United States. Member of the A.N.A. (American Nutritionist Association). Member of FLASSO (Latin American Federation of Obesity)University Professor of the Scientific Research Unit. International Exhibitor of Medical Research Laboratories. Medical Representative of Laboratorios Hillroy of Spain. Director of Television Health Programs. Contributor of Nutrition Segments for Television Channels in the United States such as ser; Univision, Telemundo, America TV, Mega TV, Telemiami, Canal17 W.L.R.M.Training in Production of Educational Television by the ABC Network of Washington, D.C. USA. Author of various Health Articles in Magazines and Newspapers. CEO at BioNutrition Research. She is married to Giovanni Granati and they are both the owners of BioNutrition Research.